quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013


A CIÊNCIA E AS SESSÕES ESPIRITAS( BBC TV: DUBLADO EM PORTUGUÊS): ``Documentário produzido pelo respeitado canal de televisão britânico BBC, no qual temos o resgate histórico daqueles foram os mais extraordinários eventos do século XIX: as manifestações espirituais, das quais brotaram, além da Doutrina Espírita, as grandes e revolucionárias invenções tecnológicas na âmbito das telecomunicações, como o rádio e a televisão.
A BBC ratifica o que diz o Espiritismo, sobre a importância dos fenômenos mediúnicos, que os historiadores tentaram eclipsar a pretexto de interesses diversos. Porém, pouco a pouco a História vai sendo desvelada e as massas vão reconhecendo a veracidade das coisas.´´

A CIÊNCIA E AS SESSÕES ESPÍRITAS- (Science and the Seance)


SCIENCE AND seances (BBC TV: IN INGLES) : `` Documentary produced by the respected British television channel BBC, where we have the historic rescue of those were the most extraordinary events of the nineteenth century: the spiritual manifestations, of which sprouted in addition to Spiritism, large and revolutionary technological inventions in the field of telecommunications, such as radio and television.
The BBC confirms that says Spiritualism, on the importance of psychic phenomena, which historians attempted to eclipse the pretext of diverse interests. But little by little history will be unveiled and the masses will recognize the truth of things.''PART 1 

SCIENCE AND seances (BBC TV: IN INGLES) : `` Documentary produced by the respected British television channel BBC, where we have the historic rescue of those were the most extraordinary events of the nineteenth century: the spiritual manifestations, of which sprouted in addition to Spiritism, large and revolutionary technological inventions in the field of telecommunications, such as radio and television.
The BBC confirms that says Spiritualism, on the importance of psychic phenomena, which historians attempted to eclipse the pretext of diverse interests. But little by little history will be unveiled and the masses will recognize the truth of things.''PART  2

SCIENCE AND seances (BBC TV: IN INGLES) : `` Documentary produced by the respected British television channel BBC, where we have the historic rescue of those were the most extraordinary events of the nineteenth century: the spiritual manifestations, of which sprouted in addition to Spiritism, large and revolutionary technological inventions in the field of telecommunications, such as radio and television.
The BBC confirms that says Spiritualism, on the importance of psychic phenomena, which historians attempted to eclipse the pretext of diverse interests. But little by little history will be unveiled and the masses will recognize the truth of things.''PART 3 

SCIENCE AND seances (BBC TV: IN INGLES) : `` Documentary produced by the respected British television channel BBC, where we have the historic rescue of those were the most extraordinary events of the nineteenth century: the spiritual manifestations, of which sprouted in addition to Spiritism, large and revolutionary technological inventions in the field of telecommunications, such as radio and television.
The BBC confirms that says Spiritualism, on the importance of psychic phenomena, which historians attempted to eclipse the pretext of diverse interests. But little by little history will be unveiled and the masses will recognize the truth of things.''PART 4 

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