*Sou técnico eletrônico desde a década de 60.Meu pai, técnico eletrônico, iniciou trabalhar com consertos de aparelhos eletrônicos, na década de 40. Na década de 70, me despertava atenção as gravações misteriosas que surgiam até em fitas virgens, estes fatos eram relatados pela tv, em cometários que fazia o então comunicador Jorge Alberto Mendes Ribeiro. Também, me chamava atenção, as entrevistas da escritora Hilda Hilst, que explicava na tv, ter gravado voz de pessoas já falecidas, que lhe chegavam através de um rádio. Isso tudo me chamava atenção, pois que na década de 60, observei que meu pai, ficava horas sintonizando um rádio a válvulas em ondas curtas, madrugada a dentro o escutando, entre muitos ruídos e misturas de vozes estrangeiras, que eu não compreendia era 1963, eu tinha 6 anos. Perguntei ao meu pai: porque fica ouvindo estes barulhos, e o senhor não vai dormir?...e meu pai me respondeu:`` É que as vezes, parece-me que eles falam comigo, se eu pudesse ouvir a minha mãe´´ (minha vó, a mãe de meu pai já era falecida na década de 50) . Em 1968 com 11 de idade já fazia consertos em vários tipos de rádios,projetores de cinema, gravadores, e eletrodomésticos, sempre convivendo, com aparelhos eletrônicos, junto com meu pai, e técnicos. estudei eletrônica, que iniciei com meu pai na nossa oficina, estudando literatura técnica , e curso do instituto rádio técnico monitor, e na antiga,hoje extinta escola de eletrônica Delorenzi de Porto alegre RS. Me chamava atenção sempre estes assuntos de vozes, e a possibilidade de se comunicar com as pessoas que amamos, mesmo que falecidas. Em 1976, quando fui testar, um dos milhares de gravadores de fitas que consertava, ao ouvir a gravação, algo que me fez, aprofundar-me nos estudos sobre Eletronic Voice Phenomenon, EVP, como era divulgado na época este tema, pois que na gravação, não saiu a minha voz, no teste no gravador que havia consertado, e sim, saiu na gravação a voz de uma mulher, que falou-me em sotaque europeu:``Entrosamento Musical´´, e de uma maneira cantada, gravação que guardo ainda em arquivo. Aquilo me despertou muito minhas atenções, e dali em diante, nunca mais parei de estudar, e pesquisar sobre estes fenômenos, procurando desenvolver aparelhos, para gravar outras vozes, estudei tudo que me pudesse auxiliar nestas pesquisas, estudei: Parapsicologia, Doutrina Espirita, aonde tive oportunidade de presenciar e participar de muitos fenômenos, telepatia, e relativo a espiritualidade e a vida após a morte, tendo obtido um contato telepático com o médium Divaldo Pereira Franco, em 1975, quando este estava ao vivo na tv gaucha canal 12, juntamente com Mendes Ribeiro, e este fato, foi-me inicial, entre outros que fez-me descobrir quem eu fui em anterior encarnação, pois que eu trouce marcas desta outra vida, aonde fui um irmão de meu pai...uma parte de meus experimentos com EVP, estão no youtube, sob o titulo: Diálogos com os mortos parte 1 , e parte 2, aonde ha inclusive numa destas a voz de meu pai falecido em 1998, que me diz na evp`` Não da uma alegria hein...´´ Uma grande alegria, me foi poder ouvir meu pai falar-me da espiritualidade, da dimensão do mundo dos espíritos, na parte2 contém também uma entrevista na antiga tv guaiba, pois que mostrando algumas evps, ao comunicador Jair Silva, este ficou muito admirado, e me entrevistou, na tv, em um momento que eu nem esperava, pois que eu estava ali para cantar. Em varias oportunidades, fui muito criticado, e até perseguido, alguns me criticavam, dizendo que a Bíblia condena consultar os mortos, mas não consultamos mortos, não, pois que os espíritos estão vivos. A Bíblia condena é consultar defuntos, mas os espíritos estão vivos, habitando uma outra dimensão, não percebida pela maioria de nós, pois que nossos sensores de percepções são muito limitados, e não alcançamos, normalmente todas as vibrações. Tudo vibra na natureza: o que vemos, o que ouvimos, e o que sentimos, nem tudo percebemos, somos limitados. Radialista Jota Pedroso * textos de autoria do radialista Jota pedroso, não poderão ser reproduzidos sem autorização do autor. O autor é registrado no sindicato dos radialistas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sob o numero: 11.660
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* I am electronic technician since the late 60.Meu father, electronic technician, began working with electronics repair, in the 40s. In the 70s, I awoke attention mysterious recordings that came up on blank tapes, these events were reported by the tv in the comet which was then communicated Jorge Alberto Mendes Ribeiro. Also, I drew attention, the interviews of the writer Hilda Hilst, explaining on TV, have recorded the voice of deceased persons that came to him through a radio. This all hit me, since in the 60's, I noticed that my father would spend hours tuning a tube radio shortwave, in the morning listening to, among many noises and mixtures of foreign voices, I did not realize it was 1963 I was 6. I asked my father, because they keep hearing noises, and you will not sleep? ... And my father said, `` is that sometimes, it seems to me that they talk to me, if I could hear my mother'' (My grandmother, the mother of my deceased father was in the 50s). In 1968 at age 11 was doing repairs on various types of radios, film projectors, tape recorders, and home appliances, always living with electronics, along with my father, and technicians. I studied electronics, I started with my father in our workshop, studying the technical literature, and ongoing technical institute's radio display, and the former, now-defunct school of electronic DeLorenzo Porto Alegre RS. I always called attention to these matters voices, and the ability to communicate with people we love, even if deceased. In 1976, when I test, one of thousands who repaired tape recorders, hearing the recording, something that made me, me in further studies on Electronic Voice Phenomenon, EVP, As it was released at the time this issue, since the recording, my voice did not come out, test the recorder that was fixed, and yes, the recording came the voice of a woman who talked me into European accent: : *(``Entrosamento Musical´´) *`` Relating Musical''and a way of singing, recording, yet I keep on file. That really woke me up my attention, and from then on, never stopped studying and researching these phenomena, seeking to develop devices to record other voices, I studied everything I could assist in this research, I studied: Parapsychology, Spiritism, where I had the opportunity to witness and participate in many phenomena, telepathy, and on spirituality and life after death, having obtained a telepathic contact with the medium Divaldo Pereira Franco in 1975, when it was live on TV Gaucha Channel 12 , with Mendes Ribeiro, and this fact, I was home, and others who made me discover who I was in a previous incarnation, as I trouce marks of another life, where I was a brother my father ... part of my experiments with EVP, are on youtube under the title: Dialogues with the dead ( Diálogos com os mortos ) part 1 and part 2, where there is even one of these the voice of my father who died in 1998, which tells me `` evp in not one of joy eh ...'' A great joy, I was able to hear my father tell me about the spirituality, the size of the spirit world, in an interview part 2 also contains the old tv Guaíba, as showing that some EVP, the communicator Jair Silva, this was very surprised, and interviewed me on TV, in a moment I did not expect, because I was there to sing. On several occasions, was widely criticized and even persecuted, some criticized me, saying that the Bible condemns consulting the dead, but does not consult the dead, not because the spirits are alive. The Bible condemns is to consult the dead, but the spirits are alive, living in another dimension, not perceived by most of us, because of perceptions that our sensors are very limited, and do not reach, usually all vibrations. Everything vibrates in nature: what we see, what we hear, and what we feel, not everything we see, we are limited. Broadcaster Jota Pedroso * texts authored by Jota pedroso radio, may not be reproduced without permission of the author. The author is registered in the broadcasters' union in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, under the number: 11,660
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* I am electronic technician since the late 60.Meu father, electronic technician, began working with electronics repair, in the 40s. In the 70s, I awoke attention mysterious recordings that came up on blank tapes, these events were reported by the tv in the comet which was then communicated Jorge Alberto Mendes Ribeiro. Also, I drew attention, the interviews of the writer Hilda Hilst, explaining on TV, have recorded the voice of deceased persons that came to him through a radio. This all hit me, since in the 60's, I noticed that my father would spend hours tuning a tube radio shortwave, in the morning listening to, among many noises and mixtures of foreign voices, I did not realize it was 1963 I was 6. I asked my father, because they keep hearing noises, and you will not sleep? ... And my father said, `` is that sometimes, it seems to me that they talk to me, if I could hear my mother'' (My grandmother, the mother of my deceased father was in the 50s). In 1968 at age 11 was doing repairs on various types of radios, film projectors, tape recorders, and home appliances, always living with electronics, along with my father, and technicians. I studied electronics, I started with my father in our workshop, studying the technical literature, and ongoing technical institute's radio display, and the former, now-defunct school of electronic DeLorenzo Porto Alegre RS. I always called attention to these matters voices, and the ability to communicate with people we love, even if deceased. In 1976, when I test, one of thousands who repaired tape recorders, hearing the recording, something that made me, me in further studies on Electronic Voice Phenomenon, EVP, As it was released at the time this issue, since the recording, my voice did not come out, test the recorder that was fixed, and yes, the recording came the voice of a woman who talked me into European accent: : *(``Entrosamento Musical´´) *`` Relating Musical''and a way of singing, recording, yet I keep on file. That really woke me up my attention, and from then on, never stopped studying and researching these phenomena, seeking to develop devices to record other voices, I studied everything I could assist in this research, I studied: Parapsychology, Spiritism, where I had the opportunity to witness and participate in many phenomena, telepathy, and on spirituality and life after death, having obtained a telepathic contact with the medium Divaldo Pereira Franco in 1975, when it was live on TV Gaucha Channel 12 , with Mendes Ribeiro, and this fact, I was home, and others who made me discover who I was in a previous incarnation, as I trouce marks of another life, where I was a brother my father ... part of my experiments with EVP, are on youtube under the title: Dialogues with the dead ( Diálogos com os mortos ) part 1 and part 2, where there is even one of these the voice of my father who died in 1998, which tells me `` evp in not one of joy eh ...'' A great joy, I was able to hear my father tell me about the spirituality, the size of the spirit world, in an interview part 2 also contains the old tv Guaíba, as showing that some EVP, the communicator Jair Silva, this was very surprised, and interviewed me on TV, in a moment I did not expect, because I was there to sing. On several occasions, was widely criticized and even persecuted, some criticized me, saying that the Bible condemns consulting the dead, but does not consult the dead, not because the spirits are alive. The Bible condemns is to consult the dead, but the spirits are alive, living in another dimension, not perceived by most of us, because of perceptions that our sensors are very limited, and do not reach, usually all vibrations. Everything vibrates in nature: what we see, what we hear, and what we feel, not everything we see, we are limited. Broadcaster Jota Pedroso * texts authored by Jota pedroso radio, may not be reproduced without permission of the author. The author is registered in the broadcasters' union in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, under the number: 11,660
*** OBS: Leia as obras básicas da codificação, da doutrina espíritas, aquelas que foram organizadas em livros por Allan Kardec, dando preferência para as adotadas pela FEB, que traz estas iniciais: FEB, são mais comfiáveis, devido as traduções. Recomendo também, toda obra de Leon Denis, edição FEB. Também recomendo os originais em Frances.
J Pedroso
*** NOTE: Please read the basic works of codification of the doctrine of spirit, those who were organized in books by Allan Kardec, giving preference to those adopted by the FEB, which brings these initials: FEB comfiáveis are more, because the translations. I also recommend every work of Leon Denis, editing FEB. I also recommend the original in French.
J Pedroso
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