*Ondas Vibratórias
A oração é o equilíbrio, balsamo suavizante, libertador, o escudo protetor.
Tanto o estropiado, como aquele que na posição de rico, se longe da prece, da sintonia com Deus, estão muito próximos um e outros das faixas vibratórias de desequilíbrio e de dor.
Não pensais que sois ricos, se estais longe da estrada do bem, pois o bem, é tudo aquilo que nos aproxima de Jesus Cristo, na verdade, aqueles que tem muitos bens materiais, mas um coração vazio de amor, é um pobre também, tal qual verdadeiro cego que de um momento para outro pode cair no foço da amargura e da dor. Amar é estar em sintonia com Deus, pela atitude da prece, que liberta, revigora e protege, e nos livra de todo o mal, e se orar é amar, quem ama liberta, ilumina o coração, clareando sua própria estrada, com a luz da proteção e do amparo Divino, que transmite aos outros, irradiando luz a distancias inimagináveis, semeando estrelas nas noites das trevas, daqueles que vivem sem amor. Através das ondas vibratórias emitidas, tal qual, potente antena libertadora, emissora de benéficos sinais fluídicos, que alcançam e libertam os filhos de Deus.
*Texto Escrito de autoria de Jota Pedroso
*Vibratory Waves
Prayer is the balance, soothing balm, liberator, the protective shield. Both the crippled, like the one in the position of rich, away from the prayer, harmony with God, are very close to one and other vibrational bands of imbalance and pain. Do not you think you are rich if you are away from the road as well as the good is whatever brings us closer to Jesus Christ, in fact, those who have many material goods, but an empty heart with love, is also a poor, just like a real blind man who could fall another moment to focus on the bitterness and pain. To love is to be in tune with God, the attitude of prayer, which releases, refreshes and protects, and delivers us from all evil, and to pray is to love those who love liberates, enlightens the heart, clearing your own road, with the light protection and support of Divine and send them to other, radiating light to unimaginable distances, sowing stars nights of darkness, those who live without love. Issued vibrating through the waves, like, powerful antenna liberating, beneficial signs fluidic station, which reach and release the children of God. * Written by Jota Pedroso
A imagem, a foto, foi captada na web no site da sociedade Espírita de Itabira. The image, the picture was captured on the web at the Spiritist Society of Itabira.
*Vibratory Waves
Prayer is the balance, soothing balm, liberator, the protective shield. Both the crippled, like the one in the position of rich, away from the prayer, harmony with God, are very close to one and other vibrational bands of imbalance and pain. Do not you think you are rich if you are away from the road as well as the good is whatever brings us closer to Jesus Christ, in fact, those who have many material goods, but an empty heart with love, is also a poor, just like a real blind man who could fall another moment to focus on the bitterness and pain. To love is to be in tune with God, the attitude of prayer, which releases, refreshes and protects, and delivers us from all evil, and to pray is to love those who love liberates, enlightens the heart, clearing your own road, with the light protection and support of Divine and send them to other, radiating light to unimaginable distances, sowing stars nights of darkness, those who live without love. Issued vibrating through the waves, like, powerful antenna liberating, beneficial signs fluidic station, which reach and release the children of God. * Written by Jota Pedroso
A imagem, a foto, foi captada na web no site da sociedade Espírita de Itabira. The image, the picture was captured on the web at the Spiritist Society of Itabira.
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