Se você é um pai, uma mãe, e deseja realmente livrar seu filho, sua filha do vicio das drogas, é preciso dedicação e perseverança na prece e elevação de sentimentos, bastando para isso dedicação, perseverança, na leitura diária da prece pelo obsidiado, mas para tanto, você precisará ter autoridade espiritual, concedida do céu, a todo aquele de coração sincero, que ora e faz jejum de suas más tendências, e que procura se aproximar de tudo aquilo que Jesus Cristo exemplificou. Você vai curar seu filho, sua filha o livrando do mal das drogas.
1 - Jejum das más tendencias. Amor.
2 – Prece pelo obsediado, diariamente, duas vezes ao dia, uma pela manhã, e uma a noite.
3 – Elevação de sentimentos, fé.
Como sabemos que o mundo Espiritual, é real verdadeiro, sabemos também, que a verdadeira autoridade, entre os Espíritos, que somos todos nos, encarnados e desencarnados, é concedida do céu, pelas autoridades celestiais, a todos aqueles merecedores desta. De nada adianta, tentarmos ajudar os outros com uma prece, se não tivermos um coração limpo, sincero, verdadeiro, pois que os Espíritos sondam nossos íntimos, e leem nossos arquivos mais secretos, assim como em um livro aberto. A maioria dos casos de dependência de drogas de todo tipo, ocorre por ação de espíritos obsessores, os mesmos que entre outras denominações religiosas, chamam-se demônios, que nada mais são, que os espíritos dos homens maus, desencarnados. A prece pelo obsediado, livre a pessoa da ação destes obsessores, mesmo que a pessoa, por quem se faz a oração, esteja distante. Livrando a pessoa da ação destes espíritos, o indivíduo inicia o processo dês obsessivo, e sua mente começa a se libertar destas tais influencias, e assim, dará inicio ao restabelecimento de sua saúde, pois que começa readquirir condições de pensar por si mesmo. A s obsessões espirituais, prolongadas podem chegar ao nível de uma subjugação, possessão, quando não raro, o individuo perde momentaneamente o livre arbítrio, enquanto neste processo, e nestes casos, a pessoa não conseguirá sair sozinha de tais influencias, e assim a ação de uma outra pessoa, se torna necessária. Em outros casos, somente o tratamento médico, não surte efeito, pois que limpo o organismo da ação dos tóxicos, ainda é necessário o tratamento dês obsessivo para um total livramento, e terapêutica Espiritual, de afastamento das influencias das entidades maléficas, de sobre o indivíduo.
Eu tenho feito esta prece, por varias pessoas, tenho imprimido e distribuído gratuitamente. Tenho notado resultados benéficos, inclusive no bairro. É gratificante poder perceber, resultados tão grandes através da prece, e que você também pode alcançar.
*Em `` N ´´ diga o nome da pessoa, porquem você esta orando.Se a pessoa estiver presente, ainda melhor, mas os Espiritos agem em toda parte.
Prece. ( Pelo obsidiado )
83.Prece.( Pelo obsidiado )- Deus Onipotente,
digna-te de me dar o poder de libertar *N... da
influência do Espirito que o obsidia.
Se está nos teus desígnios pôr termo a essa prova,
concede-me a graça de falar com autoridade a esse
Bons Espíritos que me assistis e tu, seu anjo
guardião, dai-me o vosso concurso; ajudai-me a
livrá-lo do fluido impuro em que se acha envolvido.
Em nome de Deus Onipotente, adjuro o
Espirito malfazejo que o atormenta a que se retire.
*Prece pelo obsidiado: Do livro o evangelho segundo o espiritísmo.
Muitos preferem abondonar seus filhos, por covardia, desconhecimentos da verdade.
Jota Pedroso
E oito dias depois estavam outra vez os seus discípulos dentro, e com eles Tomé. Chegou Jesus, estando as portas fechadas, e apresentou-se no meio, e disse: Paz seja convosco.
Depois disse a Tomé: Põe aqui o teu dedo, e vê as minhas mãos; e chega a tua mão, e põe-na no meu lado; e não sejas incrédulo, mas crente.
Biblia João 20:26-27
And after eight days were again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said: Peace be unto you.
Then he said to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
Bible John 20:26-27
O vídeo são de diálogos que tive, entre eu e vozes de Espiritos pelo gravador: Jota Pedroso
E oito dias depois estavam outra vez os seus discípulos dentro, e com eles Tomé. Chegou Jesus, estando as portas fechadas, e apresentou-se no meio, e disse: Paz seja convosco.
Depois disse a Tomé: Põe aqui o teu dedo, e vê as minhas mãos; e chega a tua mão, e põe-na no meu lado; e não sejas incrédulo, mas crente.
Biblia João 20:26-27
And after eight days were again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said: Peace be unto you.
Then he said to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
Bible John 20:26-27
O vídeo são de diálogos que tive, entre eu e vozes de Espiritos pelo gravador: Jota Pedroso
Alternative Healing drug addiction.
If you are a parent, a mother, and really want to rid your son, your daughter's drug addiction, it takes dedication and perseverance in prayer and elevated feelings, simply dedication, perseverance in prayer for the daily reading of the obsessed, but for that you need to have spiritual authority, granted in the sky, everyone with a sincere heart, who prays and fasts for his evil tendencies, and that demand is close to all that Jesus Christ exemplified. You will heal your son, your daughter getting rid of the evil of drugs.
1 - Fasting the bad tendencies. Love.
2 - Prayer by obsesses daily, twice a day, morning and night.
3 - Rise of feelings, faith.
How do we know the Spirit world, is truly real, we also know that the real authority, among spirits, which are all of us, embodied and disembodied, is granted from heaven, heavenly authorities, to all those deserving of it. It does not help, try to help others with a prayer, unless we have a clean heart, honest, true, since the probe our inner spirits, and read our most secret files, as well as an open book. Most cases of drug addiction of all kinds, is by action of obsessing spirits, the same as among other religious denominations, they are called demons, which are nothing more, that the spirits of evil men, disembodied.
A prayer for the obsessed, free person of action of these obsessive, even if the person whom he is praying, is far away. Freeing a person from the action of these spirits, the individual begins the process des obsessive, and his mind begins to break free of these such influences, and thus will begin the restoration of his health, because it begins to regain a position to think for yourself. The s spiritual obsessions, long may reach a level of subjugation, possession, if not rare, the individual loses momentarily free will, while in the process, and in these cases, the person can not leave alone such influences, and so the action another person, it becomes necessary. In other cases, only medical treatment, no effect, because I clean the body of toxic action is still needed treatment for an obsessive des total deliverance and spiritual therapy, removal of the evil influences of the bodies of about individual.I've made this prayer, for many people, I have printed and distributed freely. I have noticed beneficial results, even in the neighborhood. It is gratifying to see, so great results through prayer, and you can also achieve.
* In `` N'' say the name of the person you are porquem orando.Se the person is present, even better, but the Spirits act everywhere.
Prayer. (For the obsessed)83.Prece. (At obsessed) - God Almighty,deign to give me the power to release * N. .. ofinfluence of the spirit that haunts.If you are in your plans to terminate the test,grant me the grace to speak with authority on thisSpirit.Good Spirits assistis me and you, your angelguardian, give me your competition, help me torid it of the fluid in which it is impure involved.In the name of Almighty God, adjure theMalfazejo spirit that torments you to retire.
* Prayer for the obsessed: From the book The Gospel According to Spiritism.
*************************Many prefer goods leave their children, out of cowardice, the truth unk.
Jota Pedroso
If you are a parent, a mother, and really want to rid your son, your daughter's drug addiction, it takes dedication and perseverance in prayer and elevated feelings, simply dedication, perseverance in prayer for the daily reading of the obsessed, but for that you need to have spiritual authority, granted in the sky, everyone with a sincere heart, who prays and fasts for his evil tendencies, and that demand is close to all that Jesus Christ exemplified. You will heal your son, your daughter getting rid of the evil of drugs.
1 - Fasting the bad tendencies. Love.
2 - Prayer by obsesses daily, twice a day, morning and night.
3 - Rise of feelings, faith.
How do we know the Spirit world, is truly real, we also know that the real authority, among spirits, which are all of us, embodied and disembodied, is granted from heaven, heavenly authorities, to all those deserving of it. It does not help, try to help others with a prayer, unless we have a clean heart, honest, true, since the probe our inner spirits, and read our most secret files, as well as an open book. Most cases of drug addiction of all kinds, is by action of obsessing spirits, the same as among other religious denominations, they are called demons, which are nothing more, that the spirits of evil men, disembodied.
A prayer for the obsessed, free person of action of these obsessive, even if the person whom he is praying, is far away. Freeing a person from the action of these spirits, the individual begins the process des obsessive, and his mind begins to break free of these such influences, and thus will begin the restoration of his health, because it begins to regain a position to think for yourself. The s spiritual obsessions, long may reach a level of subjugation, possession, if not rare, the individual loses momentarily free will, while in the process, and in these cases, the person can not leave alone such influences, and so the action another person, it becomes necessary. In other cases, only medical treatment, no effect, because I clean the body of toxic action is still needed treatment for an obsessive des total deliverance and spiritual therapy, removal of the evil influences of the bodies of about individual.I've made this prayer, for many people, I have printed and distributed freely. I have noticed beneficial results, even in the neighborhood. It is gratifying to see, so great results through prayer, and you can also achieve.
* In `` N'' say the name of the person you are porquem orando.Se the person is present, even better, but the Spirits act everywhere.
Prayer. (For the obsessed)83.Prece. (At obsessed) - God Almighty,deign to give me the power to release * N. .. ofinfluence of the spirit that haunts.If you are in your plans to terminate the test,grant me the grace to speak with authority on thisSpirit.Good Spirits assistis me and you, your angelguardian, give me your competition, help me torid it of the fluid in which it is impure involved.In the name of Almighty God, adjure theMalfazejo spirit that torments you to retire.
* Prayer for the obsessed: From the book The Gospel According to Spiritism.
*************************Many prefer goods leave their children, out of cowardice, the truth unk.
Jota Pedroso
"The obsession is a persistent action that a bad spirit has on an individual. It presents very different characters, from the simple moral influence, without noticeable outward signs until the complete disruption of the body and mental faculties. "
Book: The Gospel According to Spiritism ", Allan Kardec, in Chapter XXVIII, item 81
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